I always take great interest when someone says I look like someone. So tonight, I waited with baited breath to hear what my friends’ wife had to say.
She claims I look a lot like Jason Mraz. I like his music. I don’t know if I look too much like him though.
New Music
Anyone who knows me well, knows I’m a music buff. One of my new favorite songs is “Mercy” by Duffy. I saw her first on “London Live” on MOJO. Just a day later, one of my friends sent me a message telling me how much she loved the song. If you haven’t heard the song yet, check it out by clicking on the song link above. The music scene is doing this 60’s retro thing right now with Amy Winehouse and now with Duffy. You can hear about a half a dozen classic music hooks during the song.
I know I’m going to take some flack for this one but everyone I know is humming Miley Cyrus’ tune “See You Again”, especially my neighbor, Molly. It’s a pop gem sounding a lot like “Sunglasses at Night” by Corey Hart. If you’ve listened to any radio recently, you’re bound to hear it. There are already a bunch of remixes on this song floating around the Internet.
I’m a little late on this one but I really like Fall Out Boy’s song “Sugar, We’re Goin Down”. It’s just got that angry workout harder feel to it.
I’m still trying to get sick of Maroon 5’s “I Won’t Go Without You”. I don’t know why I’m still listening to it but I’ve always enjoyed their songs.
Finally, Jason Mraz’s latest effort, “I’m Yours” will have you trying to sing-a-long with him. I try I just can’t keep up with his ska-style.
If you haven’t tried The Hype Machine, give it a try. There are all sorts of remixes to songs and they run a list of what people are blogging about on the Internet. I check it out all of the time to see if there’s a new song I can add to my mp3 player. Good stuff!
It’s almost Friday!!