My Virtual View

If you haven’t played around with Microsoft’s Virtual Earth, you may find it more entertaining than Google Earth. It interacts with the latest radar to provide a simulation of the cloud cover over a certain spot.
This is the 3-D virtual view from my balcony, give or take a couple of feet and degrees. Check it out on your own. You’ll enjoy it!

Two Great TV Moments

I’ve been busy recently and haven’t really been paying that much attention to television.

I’m sure some of this has already been discussed but I have to mention both of these gems.
First, “Family Guy”…

On their trip to the Peter invites the rest of the Griffens to sing a road song, then launches into “The Rose” by Bette Midler. Hilarious and actually, I’d love to hear the rest of the song. It wasn’t that bad.

Second, “How I Met Your Mother”…

“The Young & The Restless'” Eric Braeden guest starred as Robin’s father. Funny, he played the same part on the sitcom as he does playing “Victor” on the soap opera.

Sick & Tired

The title of this blog says it all… I’m sick and I’m tired.

Just search sick on this blog and you’ll get to read the exciting adventures of what happens when taawd falls ill. I’m more sick than Browns fans coming out of the stadium after a day of tailgating and when the team just blew another decent lead to lose to their opponent. I know what my problem is, I’m run down, I work overnight and I’m trying to keep my life on the high wire without disrupting the balance and sending me down to the ground without any net. A bit over dramatic? Sure, but this is a blog. Whadda ya expect?

I put in some wicked long hours at work this past week. There was this silly little thing called an election we covered. I fought to get any and all sleep I could without losing my mind, which I did actually do once. You also can’t just sleep and work. Sometimes you have to push the envelope a little and do something for yourself to be happy in the midst of everything else.

I’ve spent most of this gray day under the covers alone, bored, coughing and trying to alleviate this headache I have. What I don’t have is a voice. It left me Friday and hasn’t found its way back yet.

Sure, I’m doing all of the things you should do, taking the meds, drinking tea (decaffeinated, of course) eating chicken noodle soup, taking the vitamins and resting.

Whine alert: I don’t want to rest. My place looks like Hurricane Andrew hit it. There are mounds of laundry, some dirty, some clean, on my floor that are starting to take the shape of the Appalachians. Dishes adorn my living room as if they are decorations. I tore apart some of my closets looking for something and those boxes that I went through didn’t clean themselves back up. The nerve, I know!

So you can send your good thoughts, prayers and vibes my way on a speedy recovery and some organization.

I just ain’t up to it today. I know healthier days are ahead and that’s what gives me hope and happiness.

I Voted Today…

but it wasn’t easy!

I voted at my polling place, Lakeview Towers, a CMHA property.

The people were great there. One lady couldn’t find my name so she sent me to another lady, who was as nice as she could be. She told me I wasn’t registered so she sent me to another man who looked like he’d worked an election or two. He told me I’d have to vote with a dreaded provisional ballot. I knew I’d changed my address from Lorain to Cuyahoga counties. I wasn’t that surprised to find out that my name wasn’t on the log. I saw my neighbor’s name but I didn’t see mine. A call to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections didn’t clear up the matter. The polling administrator handed me a provisional ballot and told me it would count. Again, they were all very nice and helpful but there was some confusion.

I unfortunately didn’t get to vote in the primary for some reason. I think it had something to do with my schedule or something. My fault, no one else’s! That’s why this problem happened.

I came home today and took a nap (a short one) and decided to get to the bottom of this matter. Did Cuyahoga County somehow mess up my change of address information? Did Lorain County still think I was voting there? I knew I got a voter registration card from Cuyahoga County but dang if I could find it anywhere.

I called the Ohio Secretary of State’s office. They had “Our normal business hours are…” message on their phone already. I decided to try my luck at the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections again. Enter Bert, da man, into the picture. Bert found my information but had me living in Mayfield or Maple Heights (neither of them were correct).

Bert: When you changed your address, you put down (insert my address information here).
Todd: Bert, that doesn’t sound like Mayfield or Maple Heights to me.
Bert: Todd, you’re right. I will correct it and your provisional ballot that you cast will count tonight.
Todd: Bert, thanks for your help, tell Ernie I said hello!

So, I’m good!

Unexpected Weekends

Sometime they just happen.

You already know I’m not a Halloween person. I never know what to wear. Everyone else’s costumes are so much better than mine.

Friday night was just relaxing. It’s awesome to have an slow night. It’s funny how easy it is to fall asleep but you just have to be careful you don’t have anything in your hand at the time. That’s a story for another day. It’s really not that funny of a story, more on the cute side.

Saturday was relegated to cleaning toilets, scrubbing floors and doing laundry. Yep, if you have to pee, my guest bathroom is clean as a whistle thanks to some Soft Scrub and Mr. Clean. The place smelled clean. Don’t worry, it smells like a bachelor pad again. {sniff} Ah!!

That night lended itself to a party at the Hard Rock Cafe’s 10th anniversary party. We were on the VIP list (I still don’t know how that happens, I am, after all, me!) We got free food that included chocolate fondue. Yum! I’ll always take a chocolate covered pineapple over a strawberry but it’s a close race. We got to hear Filter. They rocked out. Sadly, we didn’t stay all of the concert because we had other plans that included checking out my friends at the Ro k Bottom. They had a costume contest for the employees. I’m glad I got to see them, they all had great costumes, but Gabe got my vote for his wearing of the evening gown.

Sunday started out lazily. My friend, Kevin, called me, his father, Joe, came up with him for the game (which sucked canal water from all the way in South Texas up to Cleveland). We went to the Flat Iron Cafe because Rock Bottom didn’t open until noon. We walked down to meet Rodger, Rebecca and the crew tailgating. Kevin and Joe went to the game (after snapping the picture with me) I thought I was going to walk back to my place, but then Dave and Marie Jose invited me to watch the game with them. They gave their tickets away to charity. By the way, they have an RV that they bought to $1,200 on eBay. Dave masked it off and then painted it. At any rate, they have satellite TV and we watched the danggone game. I had some food and walked home and went to sleep…

Ain’t it funny when a weekend happens when you didn’t even plan it? Smiles everyone!

Rabble Rousing

Nope, it’s really rabble rousing, not Rebel Rouser, the Duane Eddy classic from 1958.

I was up this morning rousing the rabbles. My body loves to get me up at this time of day. During the week, I don’t sleep during these hours so my body is a little bit confused.

I’ve become a weekend blogger. I’ve been so busy at work and other things during the week that it’s tough to have enough time to post an entry. I do get to read some of my favorites though. I read so much faster than I write.

So here’s a little weak week recap:
Tuesday – My facebook friend, Renee, invited me and mom2amara to the Cuyahoga Community College’s annual scholarship luncheon. Bob Costas was the featured speaker. He did nothing but tell jokes and hilarious stories during his speech. Everyone there got a copy of his book. I’m interested in reading it. Thanks, Renee for the invite!

Rest of week: busy. not much else to say.

Let’s talk weather for a second. Yep, it’s getting cooler here in Cleveland. Here’s what I’m looking forward to, snow! I haven’t got the chance to go out skiing since I got back to Cleveland. Northern Ohio doesn’t have the best trails in the region but they will provide a day of fun for you. I love Boston Mills/Brandywine. I prefer Boston Mills however. I learned how to ski at Snow Trails and Clearfork down in Central Ohio. It had a lot to do with attending college at Ashland University. I have the skis but I have to get them fitted to my boots. I think I may try to do it myself. Why not, I’m handy that way. There’s even snow in the forecast.

Call me a nut (please don’t…) but winter has always been one of my favorite seasons. I do love them all but there’s just something safe and comfortable about bundling up, drinking hot cocoa and sitting next to a fire (whether it’s real or gas ignited).

Well, I hope the lack of posts haven’t stopped you from visiting my little place on the Internet. I’m going to have to get better (that’s a little less than a promise) to start blogging again more regularly and even working out more than I’ve been.

Here’s to your weekend, hope it’s filled with everything you want out of a Saturday and Sunday,