Schizophrenic Browns
A couple of my friends say the Browns are on one week, off the next. I’d have to agree with them. The Browns pulled off an unbelievable win against the Baltimore Ravens on Sunday. The final score was 27 – 13.

Mash Up
I took a friend’s advice and watched the BBC’s “Hotel Babylon”. It’s a good show that could fill the void for “Mile High” for me. For all purposes, it is Mile High, it’s just set around the hijinx that goes on inside of a five-star hotel. Good stuff. I watched four of them today on OnDemand. I love OnDemand. Search my blog for more on “Mile High”.
I’m watching “Flight of the Conchords” right now. It’s an HBO show and it’s kinda offbeat but it’s enough to keep my attention. I’m watching the second episode right now. That should say something. Adrienne suggested I watch it. Not bad so far.
I do miss having the CBC. “Coronation Street” is a dirty pleasure of mine. I miss laughing at the show all while trying to figure out what they’re saying with their harsh British accents. Truly great TV. Maybe I’ll have to move back to Detroit so I can watch four episodes every Sunday morning.
Speaking of marathon TV viewing, is offering the Friends 10 season DVD collection for half off. There was no way I was paying $300 for the collection but $150… yeah, they got me. If anyone wants to have a week long sit on my couch marathon, lemme know. The couch is comfortable….
Finally on the Mash Game… If you haven’t heard one of the prettiest/wacky songs out there right now, you should log on to ingrid michaelson‘s myspace page. How is it that you work Rogaine into song lyrics? She figures out how to do just that!
Have a great week!
Countdown To Shutdown?
My old homestate of Michigan can’t get its act together and produce a budget so there’s a chance the state should shutdown.
The Michigan Legislature did pass a temporary budget extension. It allows the state to fall into a partial shutdown.
The state’s governor, Jennifer Granholm and legislators are working against a midnight deadline that could force state government to partially shut down.
The Associated Press reports Republicans want Granholm to accept a temporary, emergency budget extension that would give lawmakers more time to craft a longer-term deal aimed at erasing a $1.75 billion deficit in the fiscal year that starts Monday. Granholm has said she won’t sign a temporary budget unless she has assurances higher taxes to pay for education, public health and other programs are part of the deal. She said lawmakers already have had nearly eight months to come up with a blend of revenue increases, cuts and structural changes to head off the crisis.
Ain’t politics fun?
Rock Hall Nominees
If it involves music, I have an opinion. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame released its list of nominees for the 2008 class.
They are:
- Madonna
- John Mellencamp
- Beastie Boys
- Donna Summer
- Chic
- Afrika Bambaataa
- Leonard Cohen
- The Dave Clark Five
- The Ventures
The top five vote getters get induction. There’s little chance Madonna will get passed up. Mellencamp has the same chances. I’d like to see The Dave Clark Five and The Ventures get the nod. The Ventures defined surf music and made a name for themselves without any vocals. I defy anyone to listen to “Because” by the Dave Clark Five and not love it. Their music ranges from the slow harmonic love ballad to the rowdy “Can’t You See That She’s Mine”.
British groups like the DC5 have a place in the Rock Hall but many of them still haven’t gotten the nomination, let alone the induction. How about the Moody Blues. I’m not a huge fan but they certainly have left their mark on rock and roll.
Some 500 musicians, industry professionals and journalists vote on the inductions. The ceremony will be held in New York City again. Not in Cleveland which is something that needs to change. If Cleveland’s good enough to have the Rock Hall, it’s good enough for the induction ceremony. ’nuff said!
Warehouse District Spruce Up

Middle Name Meme
I’ll bite… Mom2Amara strikes again with one of those myspace-ish memes. Not my phrase but Jennie’s.
Here’s the deal, participants basically list one fact/word that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name.
M – Music – I love it. Just go through my blog and you’ll get the picture. It can sweep me from mood to mood and control my emotions.
I – Intelligent, or so that’s what people have always tell me, I always feel stupid or inferior but that could be covered by another letter.
C – Casual – in live and dress. I’m the person often asking others what they want to do. I’m easy and low maintenance.
H – Headstrong – I have a stubborn side but you have to knock me into a corner for it to show. Don’t challenge me not to do something. Same thing with dares.
A – Advice – I love to get it and give it. I sometimes think I live my life a little too much at the advice of others. I’ve at least thought it out then. No rash decisions here.
E – Entertaining – Whether it’s entertaining someone else or someone else entertaining me. I love laughing and having a great time.
L – Love, all you need is love…
At least, there’s no tagging involved on this one thanks Mom2Amara.
Cleveland Blogs…
That’s not blogs in the noun sense… that’s blogs as a verb. If Cleveland Rocks then the city also does its share of blogging. A simple search on blogger will turn up around 3,600 profiles from people who claim Cleveland (proper), as I do, as their home.
I grew up Cleveland, suffered through the jokes, the questions on why I would want to live there, watched Cleveland TV, left Cleveland but ultimately came back to live. Will I spend the rest of my life here, I don’t know. My heart will always be here. People who know Cleveland, love Cleveland.
I just can’t believe how many people blog. I don’t know too many other people at my workplace who blog. I’m the recipient of some jokes but I’m okay with that. I’m intentionally linking to Christine’s blog. She’s moving back to Cleveland. Our region needs more of that. We need to stop the brain drain and convince people to stay here. We lose a lot of people to Chicago, the big Cleveland. I dare you to go to the Windy City and not bump into someone from Cleveland.
Cleveland has so many hidden gems people don’t know exist. Everyone knows the Orchestra but what about Ohio City, Tremont, Little Italy and the Metroparks.
Todd’s listening to: Barenaked Ladies – One And Only
Tube Time
It’s premiere week and that means the new shows are debuting on the networks. What am I watching?
Heroes: The show continues to twist and turn beyond anyone’s expectations. During the second season’s premiere, Hiro’s father is killed, we find out Peter is alive and the cheerleader attracts the attention of a new hero. No specific cliffhangers to mention but you have to wonder
How I Met Your Mother: Ted and Robin are split up. We learn Robin didn’t get over the break-up easily. She found a boyfriend Gael (Enrique Iglesias) to cope. Lily & Marshall both swoon for him. Ted makes out with a wild girl with tattoos. Mandy Moore plays the character who takes on Barney with a barrage of one line zingers.
The Big Bang Theory: Great first episode. Hally Cuoco plays Penny, the new next door neighbor for Leonard & Sheldon. They’re both geeks who aren’t good with women. I like what I saw but I can’t wait to see where else this show can go. You have my attention so far…
Two & A Half Men: The show wins me again. Great comedy, guaranteed laughs. It’s an overall great comedy.
Ugly Betty: I can’t wait to see where they will pick this show up. The previews show Betty racing around her office concerned about her “boyfriend”, her dad, her job and her boss.
Finally, it’s not the premiere but I’m enjoying “Coupling” on BBC OnDemand. It’s hilarious. The BBC does comedy right. “Mile High” was a great comedy/drama before they ended it.
What are you watching? Jennie, I know what you’re watching…
Todd’s listening to: Jack Johnson – Banana Pancakes
Seven Random Things About taawd
The meme: 7 random facts about me
The rules:
- Link to your tagger and post these rules.
- Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
- Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
- Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
1.) When I was a kid, I thought Jack Frost was real. I didn’t think he was human but I was scared to death of him. My parents would tell me “Jack Frost was here” and I wouldn’t get out of bed.
2.) While I was kneeboarding back in high school, I hit a wake the wrong way after landing a 360 flip. The kneeboard came up and hit me in the face. I had braces at the time. The impact slit my lip and rearranged my teeth. The dentist I saw told me if it wasn’t for the braces I would have lost about a half dozen teeth. I got nine stitches in my lip and still have a scar. I haven’t kneeboarded since that accident.
3.) My cousin swung a croquet mallet like a golf club and hit me squarely in the nose. I have never lost so much blood in my life. My nose is still screwed up because of that accident. I have since forgiven her but will never let her forget it.
4.) I really don’t have that many fears of living, breathing things. Spiders don’t bother me, snakes don’t either, however I don’t have either as pets. I’ve somewhat conquered my fear of dogs after getting bit by my aunt’s german shepherd (she claims he scratched me). My fears are more life-oriented.
5.) I grew up on a farm even though my parents weren’t farmers. We rented the century home. Our landlord’s daughter’s family demolished the house and built a similar home on the same spot. Our house still exists but only in our memories and the hundreds of pictures my parents too over the years.
6.) I used to wear hoodies back in the day when they weren’t even popular. They were my security for some reason. I wore them to school everyday. I even forgot to take it off for picture day and my mother was
furious mildly upset with me.
7.) My local newspaper named me and Janey Haskins as “Teenagers Of The Month”. Yes, I like other people who were trying to be cool sported a hockey hairstyle (yes, others call it a mullet). For pride purposes, I am not including a picture. You’ll have to trust me!
Here are my tags:
Bruce: He claims to be getting back into the blogging business. This will give him easy content.
Jennie: She’ll be a wiz at this and we’ll all learn something about her.
Megan: I read her blog every now and then.
Wet Cat: Apparently, his name is really Carl but for some reason everyone calls him Wet Cat.
I know I’m supposed to do 7 people but this is all I can muster. They will have to do.